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Riga beherbergt eine der größten Sammlungen von Jugendstilarchitektur in Europa. Begleiten Sie uns, um diesen magischen Stil auf unserem kostenlosen Jugendstil-Rundgang zu entdecken. Ein Muss für alle, die sich für die Jugendstilbewegung, ihre Kunst und Architektur interessieren.  


Dies ist eine Tour, die dem Jugendstil in Riga gewidmet ist und sich auf die Zeit des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts konzentriert, die bis zum Ende des Russischen Reiches führt. Eine großartige Möglichkeit, mehr zu sehen, Kunststile und Trends des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts kennenzulernen und die magische Jugendstilarchitektur von Riga zu entdecken. Entdecken Sie die Hauptstraßen von Riga, die am besten für ihre Jugendstilarchitektur bekannt sind, wie Alberta iela und Elizabetes iela, sowie Straßen und Gebiete, die weniger besucht werden und von Besuchern häufig vermisst werden. Mit buchstäblich Hunderten von Gebäuden im Stil von Riga bieten wir Ihnen an, zu sehen, wie sich die Bewegung an den nordischen Geschmack von Riga angepasst hat, wie sie sich entwickelt hat und wohin sie auch führt.


Was werden Sie auf der kostenlosen Tour im Jugendstil von Riga sehen? Wir wollen zeigen, wie sich der Rigaer Stil von 1899 bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg entwickelte und wie sich Elemente wie die Nationalromantik in den Jugendstil verflochten und wie Riga am Ende des Russischen Reiches schöpferisch aufblühte.


1 Stunde 45 Minuten Dauer.

Samstags 15:00 Schritte der Nationaloper

Soviet Riga tour
Grey Soviet Riga

Soviet Riga 

In Riga, Latvia, like the other Baltic states, the society experienced a tragic and complex historical period during the Soviet era. Below is a brief timeline of events related to Latvia and it's capital Riga during the Soviet period:


1940 Soviet Occupation:


In June 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Latvia following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.The Latvian government was replaced by a pro-Soviet administration.


Following the Soviet occupation in 1940, the authorities initiated mass arrests and deportations of individuals deemed as anti-Soviet elements. This included political figures, military officers, and other perceived threats to the Soviet regime.


1941 Nazi German Occupation:


Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, and Latvia fell under German occupation. Many Latvians were initially hopeful that the Germans would bring independence, but their hopes were quickly dashed as the Nazis established a brutal occupation.


1944 Soviet Reoccupation: 


The Red Army reclaimed Latvia from the Germans in 1944. Latvia was reintegrated into the Soviet Union as one of the Soviet Socialist Republics (SSRs).


Post-War Period:


The post-war period saw significant changes in Latvian society. Large-scale deportations, purges, and repressions were carried out by the Soviet authorities to eliminate perceived opposition.


After the Soviet Union regained control of Latvia in 1944, large-scale deportations continued. The targets included not only political figures but also farmers, businesspeople, and anyone perceived as a threat to Soviet rule.


The deportations were often carried out in the middle of the night, with families being separated and sent to various parts of the Soviet Union.


1953 Death of Stalin:


The death of Joseph Stalin in 1953 marked a change in Soviet policy. The following years saw some liberalization in cultural and intellectual spheres, known as the Khrushchev Thaw.


1968 Prague Spring and Suppression:


In 1968, Soviet forces crushed the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia, and this event had a chilling effect on dissent within the Eastern Bloc, including Latvia.


1980s National Awakening:


During the 1980s, as the Soviet Union began to experience economic and political difficulties, a national awakening occurred in Latvia.

The Latvian people started demanding greater autonomy and recognition of their national identity.


1988 Singing Revolution:


The "Singing Revolution" in the Baltic states, including Latvia, involved mass demonstrations and singing events, becoming a peaceful expression of national identity and a call for independence.


1989 Baltic Way:


On August 23, 1989, two million people formed a human chain across the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) to protest against Soviet rule.


1990 Declaration of Independence:


In 1990, Latvia declared the restoration of its independence, following the collapse of the Soviet Union.


The declaration led to a period of intense negotiations and tensions with the Soviet authorities. In the January of 1991 a number of civilians were killed in the Bastion hill shootings by Soviet forces right besides the Latvian Freedom Monument. 


1991 Independence Restored:


Latvia's independence was fully restored on August 21, 1991, following the failed coup attempt in Moscow. The Soviet Union officially recognized Latvia's independence shortly afterward.


These events represent a condensed overview of Latvia's history during the Soviet era. The country has since become a member of the European Union and NATO, solidifying its place in the community of independent nations.

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